’S e gairm fhosgailte a tha seo do luchd-ealain a tha a’ cruthachadh ealain lèirsinneach bho thaobh shealladh nan Gàidheal, gus an cuid obrach a thaisbeanadh agus a reic mar phàirt den phrògram ealain ioma-làrach seo.
Thèid an taisbeanadh seo a chumail sa Ghearran/Màrt 2025 aig Acadamaidh Chruthachail Inbhir Nis agus Eden Court mar phàirt den phrògram Buaile agus bidh e a’ tachart mun aon àm ri Seachdain na Gàidhlig.
Tha sinn ag amas air taic a thoirt don uimhir de luchd-ealain sa ghabhas tron chothrom seo. Ach, air sgàth na h-àiteachan a tha rim faighinn, thèid prìomhachas a thoirt do dh’obair a ghabhas crochadh air balla agus feumar obair a bhith deiseil airson a chrochadh, le 2 fhàinne-D air nuair a thèid e lìbhrigeadh.
Ma thèid gabhail ris an obair agad airson a chuir a-steach bidh sinn ann an conaltradh ro 29 Samhain gus an àireamh de phìosan agus lìbrigeadh aontachadh. Thoir an aire gum bi e an urra ris an neach-ealain lìbhrigeadh na h-obrach bhon làrach aontaichte a chuir air dòigh agus pàigheadh.
Faodaidh tu seo a lìonadh ann an Gàidhlig no Beurla.
Le taic bho Maoin nan Ealain Gàidhlig
This is an open call for visual artists who create work through a Gaelic perspective, to present and sell their work as part of this innovative multi-site art programme.
The open call exhibition will take place in February/March 2025 at Inverness Creative Academy and Eden Court as part of the wider Buaile programme and will coincide with Seachdain na Gàidhlig (World Gaelic Week).
We aim to support as many artists as possible through this opportunity. However, because of the nature of the spaces available wall based work will be prioritised and works will need to be delivered ready to hang, fitted with 2 D-rings.
If your work is accepted for submission we will be in touch by 29 November to agree the number of pieces and delivery details. Please be aware that it will be the artist’s responsibility to arrange and pay for the delivery of the work.
Submissions are accepted in Gaelic or English in written or spoken format.
Apply online via this form. If you would prefer to submit in a spoken format, please answer the questions below and send a video clip or sound file of no longer than 5 minutes to gallery@eden-court.co.uk.
With support from Maoin nan Ealain Gàidhlig