‘Lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death…’ – a line from a psalm that has found its way into many prayers. The work for this exhibition was inspired by my sojourn in an orthodox monastery in eastern Europe. I was struck by the beauty of the icons, the timelessness of the rituals, the earnestness of the prayer and contemplation.

About Janice Deary
Originally from South Africa, Janice moved to Scotland to continue postgrad studies in theology and philosophy. Daughter of a professional South African painter, Janice always knew that she would return to art after her adventures in the academic world. Her creative work is inspired and informed by theological and existential themes. Janice completed the MFA in Arts and Humanities at the University of Dundee in 2020, for which she received the Vanessa Bell Award.

Email: jldeary@gmail.com

Instagram: Janice Deary Art

Event Details

Date: March 16 - March 31
Time: Wed-Fri 9:30-16:30

Perth Creative Exchange
Stormont Street

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